The Youth Department
The youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are valued not just as its future but as incredibly important current community members. The Youth Department helps develop resources and programming to support and mentor young people. The team works in close cooperation with Pastors and other departmental leaders to find relevant ways to encourage and train youth as they help them to study the Bible to find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus.

Children's Ministries
Children are incredibly important to the Adventist Church and the Adventist Church does everything possible to promote their wellbeing and development. The Children’s Ministries Department conducts relevant classes and activities to share the Bible with children from birth to the age of fourteen. As they learn from the Bible, children are often the first to embrace the love of Jesus and want to share it with others. The Children’s Ministries Department helps nurture the spiritual growth of children and trains them as young leaders.

Family Ministries
Seventh-day Adventists are huge proponents of happy family living. The Family Ministries Department is dedicated to strengthening families through services like premarital guidance, marriage seminars, coaching for parents, and special Bible education tailored to families. The goal is to build up, enrich and celebrate families, helping each member understand the Bible to find hope and meaning in a personal relationship with Jesus. There is no better witness to the power of Jesus thana loving family that works as a team to share the Bible with others.

Health Ministries
One of the reasons Seventh-day Adventists live longer than the general population is their lifestyle. The Health Ministries Department provides cutting-edge information and training on how to optimize your health and be all that God has designed you to be. Its resources should help you discover what the Bible has to say about health and its importance fora rich life. Need to quit smoking or drinking? Health Ministries should help you drop bad habits and develop good ones. Don’t settle for less!

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries
One of the best ways to study the Bible and find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus is to interact with small groups of people that are also deepening their knowledge of the Bible. The Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department provides Bible study guides and material for small groups that meet on Sabbath mornings and other times of the week to study. No matter what your age, this department should have resources to help members get to know God better and to share what you learn with others.
Women’s Ministries
Women serve as important leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Their spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs are of huge importance. The Women’s Ministries Department supports programs that help women rise to their full potential as leaders in their homes and communities. The department backs mentorship and training programs for young women. It also hosts events opposing domestic abuse and other violence against women.

The Church Elder
The Elder serves as an assistant to the pastor providing counsel, spiritual insight to the members, exhortation, solid biblical preaching, visitation and in every other way working beside the pastor to nourish and grow the church. An elder is a member of the church board and attend son a regular basis in order to provide input and counsel regarding church issues. The board of elders will meet together with the pastor once per month for visioning, administration, prayer, and counsel. This is typically on the Sunday morning before the scheduled board meeting.

Deacons and Deaconesses
The work of deacons and deaconesses is multi-faceted. Here are a few examples of the main roles they perform in the local church or congregation: Visiting church members in their homes, reclaiming missing members and backsliders, supporting and helping the sick, the elderly, the disabled, and the bereaved, caring for and relieving the poor and aiding the unfortunate caring for and maintaining the church property, teaching God’s Word when situations demand it, serving the church in a variety of areas: the worship service, sabbath School, the Communion service, baptismal ceremonies, funerals, and other church functions. These leaders are the right hands of our pastors and elders in their local congregation. It is impossible to imagine how our Church would work without their volunteer participation.

Stewardship is all about how we as humans take care of the resources God gives us. Wise use of what we have means that God’s work can flourish, and more people can understand the Bible to find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus. The Stewardship Department helps train members around the world in biblical stewardship principles.
The Treasury Team
The Treasurer and team provide careful documentation, recording, receipting, disbursement and management of all church funds. While, the importance of the Treasurer is often overlooked, this is avital role. The faithful work of the Finance team provides the clarity and transparency that build trust and enable planning. The treasurer should prepare a monthly financial statement and distribute copies to the church board at their meeting. This statement should include the balance status of all budgeted accounts, as well as the totals received in tithes and offerings and a detailed record of all disbursements made.